21. The de- ashing must be performed in the bottom of the combustion chamber or the deashing
Electronic ignition, permanent ventilation, electromagnetic sluice gate of regulation and isolating
* A timer with flexible temporization for the regulation of every burner.
* Carcass in solid sheet steel with support of link.
* A regulator with electronic viewing for the temperature of postcombustion.
Should be Automatic or manual batch p ashing.
22. Process Filtering system: Scruber to be mentionned as optional
23. Emission Standards Compliance: BS 3316 or equal standard
23. Ability to treat Plastic: Not less than 40% by weight
24. CE Manufacturing Compliance: BS EN 746-2-1997
22. The provider must give batches of spare parts of first urgency and consumable of this
* A device of air inlet of cooling of waste gases,
Flame, lighting and security of electronic ignition, permanent ventilation, electromagnetic sluice
* A device of injection of air allowing a total recombustion of gases,
* A secondary shot of air to ensure perfect oxygen content.
19. A control box ensuring that the complete cycle of combustion.
20. Fan:
23. The installed incinerator must bear a 1 year guarantee.
16. The provider must provide necessary information for the best of this installation This incinerator
* A switch circuit breaker for each engine (ventilators and burners).
* Burner with fuel, mono-bloc casting guiding type with horizontal flame, lighting and security of
* The insulation of the combustion chamber should be composed of refractory bricks,
10. The lower calorific power (L.C.P) of the waste will be 3,500 kcal/kg
6. The incinerator must avoid the release of black smoke and fine dust, (Smokeless) throughout the
9. The incineration should be wholly free from visible smoke as well as offensive odours.
> Nature: 65% of A1203
Stuffing insulating out of refractor. -.
> Nature: Calcium
• The Temperatures of combustion: Minimum will be 850°C and max 1400°C
> Nature: 42% of A1203
3. This incinerator must be able to destruct all combustible wastes produced by hospitals,
Private practices, laboratories, institutes, etc…
15. Fuel: diesel
Mill; it will include curative and preventive maintenance, and using equipment, etc
NB.; Civil works and any other relevant services for the installation and training of operators have to be included at the incinerator’s cost.
Specification for the refuge of the incinerator:
House of the incinerator inclusive in offer (the house must have toilet and hand washing facilities and firefighting). The size of the shelter shall measure four meter by six meter and shall be provided with adequate air ventilation.
This material and equipment must include in the shed of the incinerator: base in rubble stone, isolation roofing against humudity; elevation with brick of 20 cm (bloc cement), continuing lintel (linteau) in reinforced concrete; steel frame (charpente en metal); roof in sheet B.C.A. 28 BG
25. The technical training of operators will have to be supplied and given by a technician from the
Using a high content of aluminum and insulates bricks in order to assure a minimum
* A burner of light that the use is restricted to the ignition of waste.
11. The Inner diameter of the Chimney: Ø 400 and its height: 8 m
With “PYROLYTIC” combustion must possess:
* Plate of combustion in Carborundum, preventing the fixing of glass and slags.
18. A chamber of post combustion of gases
Completed by valves and following the control of the automatic cycle.