Q: what is kind of waste can utilize in this equipment?
A: This gear for medical waste, pet animal, Municipal waste, reside waste. Prohibit any volatile and radiation material, liquid waste and gas waste.
Q: Treatment capacity
A: Typical Capacity calculated by medical waste(lower calorific power (L.C.P): 3.0TH Kcal/Kg per hour), not indicate any waste material. The animal/pet combustion speed around 2/3 of average power.
Clover incinerator use time per day up to 24 hours. Between each feed/combustion time, there are approximately 0.5-1 hours cooling time and time for feeding waste. Actual combustion time per day is about 16 hours. The lifetime of incinerator between 5-10 year according to use.
Generally, we proposition small lab, small clinic use capacity under 20 kgs per hour. When incinerator use in hospital, please calculate the waste output capacity around 2kgs per people each day. If there are 200 sickbed at the hospital, that’s mean you need one incinerator capacity around 400kgs each day, change to power per hour is around 30-40 kgs per hour. According the operation time per day, waste material, budget, development, etc, you can use capacity from 30-50 kgs per hour incinerator.
*How to calculate Animal Cremation Burn Rate: 2/3 of the medical waste.
Q: Assembly and Testing
A: We provide all documents and incinerators easy to setup and operation. Client can send people come to our factory to learn operation and installation. Generally, We do not send engineer to local site if not request. The dispatch cost is extra according to order.
Q: Combustion Temperature
A: The first combustion chamber: 800-1000 centi level.
The second combustion chamber: 1000-1200 centi level. PLC mode according to model and order.
Annual around $500-$1000usd annually maintenance according model, use situation.
One individual can service 02 device incinerators. The team should have basic electrician knowledge to operate/inspect/maintaince incinerator/burner/blower according to performance user guider, and understand risk of medical waste to protect worker self with necessary security element.
Q: The Residency period in secondary combustion chamber
A: 02 sec.
Q: The Residency time in secondary combustion chamber
A: 02 sec.