50 to 60kg/hr and 100 into 120kg/hr diesel powered incinerator.1. 2. Required Incinerating Capacity:
Approximately 4,500 tons per year. The incinerator must capable of incinerating type of waste mentioned or any combinations thereof at a rate of 3 mph. The machine shall be designed to operate for at least five consecutive times nonstop if required.
3. Incinerator Design Requirements:
The system should be simple in design and operation, with minimal electronic components.
3.1 Specific Data that must be offered with the Design
3.1.1 Incinerator Data:
a.Batch Load Capacity;
b.Primary chamber design (thickness, diameter, length, insulation, lining, volume hearth area, weight); c. Secondary chamber design (thickness, diameter, length, insulation, lining, quantity hearth area, weight);
c.Exhaust stack layout (thickness, diameter, lining variety of segments, complete stack length, height above base, weight);
d.Type and amount of auxiliary fuel burners;
e.Fuel requirements — type, amounts;
f.Electrical power use;
g.Electrical services required;
h.Water requirements — amounts;
i.Any other input requirements and consumables;
j.Temperatures to be achieved to guarantee suitable destruction of waste and comply with required air pollution control standards (EU Waste Incineration Directive 2000/76);
k.Residence time to ensure suitable destruction of waste and comply with required air pollution control standards;
l.Potential weight loss (percent ) of waste;
m.Options to automatically and continuously monitor and record information such as dates, time of day, batch sequential number;
n.A temperature or visual indicator to display heat status of gear; and
o.Details on picture displays and / or computer recording apparatus.
3.1.2 Air Pollution Control System Data
a.The type of air pollution control equipment selected will comply with EU WID Waste Incineration
b.Directive 2000/76;
c.Details about the gas cleaning systems to improve the removal of fine particles, acid fumes and heavy
e.Details on components, such as:
condenser / absorber;
venturi scrubber;
entrainment separator and
emissions pile (s).
Electrical power use;
f.Any other input demands and consumables (e.g. lime);
g.Details on graphic screens and / or computer recording apparatus;
h.Environmental requirements – The system will have the capacity / capability to comply with relevant air quality criteria; i.e.EU Waste Incineration Directive 2000/76. (or similar standards and criteria acceptable to the Australian Commonwealth Government Department of the Environment);
i.Specify air pollution parameters that are monitored.
3.1.3 Site Requirements for the Incinerator
a.Total land area dimentions;
b.Infrastructure required ( water supply, power supply drainage); and
c.Any specific ecological or climatic/meteorological aspects that needs consideration.
3.1.4 Housing Requirements and Design
a.Details on demands for a safe enclosure to the incinerator and associated air pollution control system. The enclosure will be designed to achieve occupational health and safety requirements such as: a. Free space can be found on either side and heat radiation is kept at a minimum giving the operators an:
b.easy viable environment and ventilation;
c.There are protected storage facilities for waste;
d.There are measures to avoid vermin and insects;
e.The materials are of sufficient structural depth for safety and to withstand sea corrosion.
4. Training, Maintenance And Instruction Manuals
4.1 Maintenance Manuals
Provide details on maintenance requirements, such as:
a.General cleaning and maintenance — frequency, skills / specialized experience required;
b.Expected life span of parts and the system as a whole;
c.Expected frequency of the requirement for replacement of parts;
d.Availability of parts and location of providers;
e.Frequency of need for major overhauls; and
f.Estimated down time needed for general maintenance and major overhauls.an incinerator for our deceased animals in the farm particularly chicken.